Become a solidário!
Onda Solidária is a non-profit organization supported by people like you .
By becoming our partner / donor with a regular donation, you can make a big difference in our projects and will help us keep improving and delivering more opportunities to many children and young people from poor communities in Brazil.
If you have questions or need more information, please contact by email: ondasolidaria@ondasolidaria.org

Onda Solidária TV
Initial step:
Structuring of the area: Completed V
We are a family owned and operated business.
Dream / Project under construction
We are a family owned and operated business.
Bricks: R $ 1,870.00 (2,200 bricks) - GGP
Sand: R $ 1,200.00 (15 m³) - Polimak
Gravel: R $ 500.00 (5 m³) - Polimak
Cement: R $ 1,760.00 (80) - Local / Construmil
Columns: R $ 1,542.20 - Local / Construmil
Gross total sub: R $ 6,872.20
We are a family owned and operated business.
Roof / roof:
Slab: R $ 3,600.00 - Pro Garcia
(81 M2 with 200 KG M2 overhead)
Concrete: R $ 2,640.00 (Concrete Oriente)
Subtotal coverage / ceiling: R $ 6,240.00
We are a family owned and operated business.
Doors: R $ 1,799.80 (3)
Windows: R $ 3,676.50 (10)
Subtotal woods: R $ 5,476.30
We are a family owned and operated business.
Floor: R $ 2,018.01
Painting: R $ 1,200.00
Glass: R $ 610.00
Subtotal finish: R $ 3,828.01
We are a family owned and operated business.
Labor (Approx.):
Bricklayer and helpers, electrician and locksmith
Month 1: R $ 4,000.00
Month 2: R $ 4,000.00
Month 3: R $ 5,000.00
Month 4: R $ 5,000.00
Subtotal labor: R $ 18,000.00
We are a family owned and operated business.
Campaign total: R $ 40,416.51
Amount collected: R $ 15,000.00
We are a family owned and operated business.
Goal: R $ 25,416.51
We are a family owned and operated business.
Note: We are focusing the campaign to help with the items above, considering that the other necessary materials have already been purchased or are insured (eg: crockery, metals, electrical and hydraulic parts, etc.)
We are a family owned and operated business.
We will update the progress of the project and the amounts collected monthly.
